Contact us

We speak English | Puhumme Suomea | Vi talar svenska | Мы говорим по-русски

    Sales Office

    Kadaka tee 72A, 12618 Tallinn
    Phone: (+372) 68 27 222
    E-mail: info [at]
    M-F: 8.00 – 18.00
    Sa-Su: On request

    Home Harbor

    Nooda 8, Tallinn
    13516, ESTONIA

    Contact person

    Erki Lepp


    Phone: +372 50 90 105
    email: erki [at]



    Baltic Boat Sales OÜ

    Registration number: 12676501
    VAT number: EE101799812

    What our clients say

    "At the end of 2020, for the first time I became the buyer of my very own boat. And at that time, when reaching out to BalticBoat, I got very lucky. First of all, the chosen Marex has been really great at sea: high quality, durable, functional, with a well-thought-out design and comfortable to drive. Secondly, for several years now, Erki has been showing that not only he sells You a boat, but also helps with advice and strength in orienting yourself in all life at sea: from organizing winter maintenance to exploring small Estonian harbors."
    Captain of the motor boat "ETTA"


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    Marex logo

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    AA rating

    AA rating